Wednesday, December 21, 2005


From Readleaf National Institute:
The IRS will shortly announce that providers (and other employers) may be able to file a new Form 944 at the end of the year to report payroll taxes instead of filing quarterly tax forms (Form 941). Providers who owe less than $1,000 in payroll taxes will be eligible to use this new form. This amounts to paying an employee less than about $6,000 a year.

When the IRS makes their official announcement we want to publicize this new ruling. It will have a major impact on providers, saving them a lot of time; they'll no longer have to file quarterly reports. As part of our effort to publicize this new ruling, we'd like to be able to refer the media to providers who will be directly affected by it.

We are looking to identify several providers who currently are paying helpers less than $6,000 a year (total for all helpers). If you are willing to be interviewed by the media on this issue, please send an email with your contact information--name, phone number, city and state--to Ann Forstie at We are particularly interested in hearing from providers in Minnesota.

Tom Copeland, Director, Redleaf National Institute

This is indeed good news for providers who hire parttime help. Please consider contacting Readleaf National Institue if you are a Minnesota provider who employs parttime help in your child care.

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