Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mayo Clinic First-Aid Guide

Accidents happen. So does the unexpected. It's best to be prepared. That's where today's recommended website comes in. Not only is it a great resource, but its kind of nice to promote a Minnesota business of world-wide renown.
It's Mayo Clinic's First-Aid Guide. It's a site that you'll want to bookmark, in case the unthinkable happens and you need first aid help FAST.

For instance, many of us are prone to anaphylaxis, i.e. severe allergic reaction. It can be very scary if a person suddenly breaks out in hives, or has difficulty breathing. What do you do? The site first of all suggests good common sense: if you're prone to allergic reactions, carry epinephrine and antihistamines. If you're having an allergic reaction, use them! In addition, the person having the reaction should be laying on their back with the feet elevated. Clothing should be loosened. And of course 911 should be called if the person is having difficulty breathing.

Many other situations are covered besides allergic reactions. Electric shock, animal bites, chemical burns, poisoning, broken bones, and more are dealt with.

But perhaps the most valuable part of this informative site is the step-by-step instructions for giving CPR. While it is required for child care providers to take a CPR class, you can be reminded of the basics on one single page at this site! This is knowledge that could prove to be lifesaving over and over again.

So take note of the
Mayo website, and bookmark it. Here's hoping you'll never need it, but if you do, you'll be glad it's there.

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