Thursday, April 13, 2006

Income Tax Time...

The tax man cometh... Are you one of those procrastinators? Do you wait until the bitter end before finishing and filing your income taxes? April 15th falls on a weekend this year, so you have until the 17th to get your taxes filed, but that time is rapidly approaching.

There is some great recordkeeping and tax information specifically for child care providers at the Redleaf National Institute. Handouts such as the 10 tax tips for providers or about figuring the time-space percentage or the 8 key federal tax issues unique to family child care providers. And that's not all, there are plenty of articles dealing with all aspects of record-keeping and taxes, booklets you can download, even tax forms for download. Even if your taxes are done for this year, this is a site to mark and look at for ways to keep better records for your 2006 taxes.

What is even better, is that all this is free! Yes, a wealth of information at your fingertips for no charge. Redleaf National Institute is a great child care provider advocate. Redleaf National Institute has a long history of helping individual providers with problems such as tax audits, insurance problems and more, as well as lobbying for changes in government rules to benefit providers as a group.

They spend hundreds of hours each year doing advocacy work without charging individual providers for their efforts. You can help make sure that they will be able to continue their work by becoming a Member of Redleaf National Institute! I cannot endorse this organization strongly enough. Not only does membership support their ongoing advocacy efforts, members also receive a lots of benefits like discounts, a toll-free business helpline, IRS audit support, and more. For more information or to sign up, visit the Join RNI pages. This could be one of the smartest investments I ever made. I am proud to support RNI and I believe that Tom Copeland is one of the leading experts on tax law and how it pertains to family child care in the country.

Yep, the tax man cometh... and my money goeth... but at least I know that I am researching and taking precautions to take all the deductions that I can legally take.

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