Saturday, May 27, 2006

Monday is Memorial Day....

May 29th, 2006 is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a patriotic holiday in the United States of America, usually celebrated on the last Monday in May.

It is a celebration of remembrance for the brave service of men and women who gave their lives for their country. Originally, Memorial Day honored those who had died in the Civil War. Now, it honors those who died in the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and Desert Storm.

Memorial Day was declared a federal holiday in 1971. We now, designate this day to remember loved ones who have passed on, as well as remembering our service men and women. Flowers and flags are placed on graves in remembrance of them. Parades and dedications of memorials usually are part of the day's activities. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, local marching bands, members of the armed service, fire departments, police departments, and fraternal orders often march in parades and attend ceremonies to commemorate the day.

Waterloo, N.Y. is considered the birthplace of this holiday because the people of Waterloo were the first people to proclaim a day on May 5, 1866 to honor the soldiers who died in the Civil War. They closed their businesses and placed flowers and flags on the graves of their soldiers. Flags were flown at half-mast.

I don't know if you celebrate Memorial Day in your child care. I take the day off as a holiday because it is one of the few days that my husband also has off. This year we can spend some "quality time" together trying to get the house readied for our daughter's graduation next weekend...

There are several good online sources for activities for children if you so desire...

However you spend your Memorial Day, whether working, or grilling, or spending time on the lake, I hope that you take a few moments to remember the reason for the holiday and give thanks to those who gave so much so that we cna enjoy the freedoms that we have.

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