Thursday, July 13, 2006

Avoid Work Burnout...

One of the most common reasons people quit the early childhood profession is not because of family, or money, or amount of work... it is because of "burnout".

When we think of burnout, we usually think of the following definition - "To make or become exhausted, especially as a result of long-term stress." That's an appropriate definition, but there is one that might be more descriptive of the root cause of Burnout...To stop burning from lack of fuel.

That's right, lack of fuel. When we live busy, crazy, hectic lives, we burnout because we are constantly giving of ourselves without taking in the things we need in order to be refreshed. Things like fresh air, nutritional food, relaxation, friendly conversation, laughter. If you are feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, here are 10 Tips for Avoiding Burnout and take some small steps toward a more balanced life.

Breathe deeply - Have you ever noticed your breathing when you're feeling stressed or moving at warp speed? It' s probably shallow and tight. Borrow a tip from professional athletes, and take a few slow, deep breaths to relax and collect yourself.

Take a walk - "Take a hike" can be good advice. Not only does it help burn off nervous energy, but you can get some exercise and enjoy the scenery, which can help you think more clearly than you might if you're always buzzing about mindlessly.

Eat well - Busy people can be chronic meal-skippers, or too frequently eat junk food on the run. Heavy foods, too many or too few calories, and inadequate nutrition can make you feel like you' re short on fuel. Go for the veggies, fruits, grains and lean proteins - nutritious, high-energy foods.

Drink water - Most people don' t drink enough water, and end up feeling dehydrated, tired, cranky and achy. Next time you feel dry or in need of a liquid "pick me up," go for the water bottle instead of coffee or soda. In fact, experts say that once you feel thirsty, you' re already dehydrated, so drink up. An added bonus? Water helps flush toxins away.

Slow down - "Type A" stands for anxious, not admirable. Don' t worry; you don' t have to plod along or come to a stand-still. By making sure your mind is actually where your body is, you'll feel (and appear) less scattered, think more clearly, and be more effective. Good time-management and delegation strategies can help avoid confused priorities and schedule-melt-downs.

Team up - If you' re a burned-out business owner, chances are good that there's at least one thing you' re not very good at: letting other people help you get things done. Whether via delegating to employees, partnering with other people, or simply networking for support and advice, sharing the load with other people can help avoid burnout.

Sleep well - A good night's sleep isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for clear-thinking and mindful responsiveness (versus mindless reactivity). Aim to get a good night's rest by watching what you eat before you go to bed, turning off the television and computer, taking a few minutes to slow down and transition from "busy day" to "restful night," sipping some herbal tea and listening to soothing music.

Loosen up - Tight muscles and narrow, critical thinking exacerbate stress and propel you toward burnout. One solution? Find ways to stretch both body and mind. Yoga or other gentle stretching loosens tight muscles, while similar "mind exercises" help lessen chronic perfectionism, judgmentalism and criticism.

Have fun - Laughter is great medicine, so provide yourself with a basket of toys, watch your favorite funny movies, play with your kids or animals, choose to be around people who make you laugh, or just laugh at yourself when you get overly serious or cranky. It's nearly impossible to wallow in your stress when you're enjoying a good belly laugh.

Get away - Whether for an hour, a day, two weeks or a month, unleash yourself from your business and concentrate 100 percent on someone or something else. Don't do work while on vacation or out for a "vision day," and don't spend your allotted rejuvenation time busying yourself with chores.

Remember the old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy." Go have your hair done, get a facial at the spa, see a movie in the middle of a workday afternoon, read a book, listen to music, take a hike in nature, or take a nap... whatever helps you to lighten up, loosen up, and have fun again. Just recharge your battery.

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