Monday, January 15, 2007

2007 - The Year for Early Childhood...

An open letter to child care professionals from the Ready4K organization...

Dear Colleagues:

As you know this legislative session is the year for Early Childhood. I am writing to ask you if you would be willing to be a member of my personal Ready 4 K "Ready Response Team". People on this list would have the opportunity to respond quickly to requests to:
1. Show up at the Capitol for hearings or other STAND UP for KIDS efforts (you'd
need to live with in an hour of the Capitol). I NEED 50 folks Metro wide,
and or,
2. Make phone calls to your Legislator/Senator or Committee Members relevant to EC Legislation (I need 100 state wide, which may include the first 50 or more!).

At Ready 4 K we know that it takes just 6 people with personal contact to influence, shift or win over legislators. YOU could be one of those people. You might even consider building your own nest of 5 or 6 folks who you contact after I contact you! This level of personal contact with legislators will be the winning strategy for this year.

The 6 pieces of legislation Ready 4 K and all of the allies are supporting are being authored and introduced as we speak.

My job would be to keep you up to date on hearing schedules, legislative movement and anticipated actions. I would also keep you abreast of other related actions (or for that matter anything else you want to know about this process).

To join with me in advocacy this 2007 session, send me ( your day time email address, mailing address and phone number. If you'd like I could also add you to our data base list so you would receive email updates and calls for action from Todd.

I am so very hopeful I will hear from you IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!

Vicki Thrasher Cronin
Director of Community and Civic Engagement
Ready 4 K

Please consider helping with children's advocacy and joining Vicki's "Ready Response Team". Tomorrow I will show you more detail about Ready4K's legislative initiative.

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