Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Choosing Child Care...

Is This the Right Place for My Child?: Checklist Helps Parents Identify High-Quality Child Care

Choosing who cares for your child is one of the most important, and difficult, decisions you’ll ever have to make. To help you better judge quality when you’re considering which child care program is right for your child, NACCRRA has created an easy-to-use booklet, Is This the Right Place for My Child?: 38 Research-Based Indicators of High-Quality Child Care.

The booklet contains a checklist of 38 questions that you can ask to evaluate child care programs. Unlike most guidelines for selecting child care, this booklet explains why each question is important and how it relates to the quality of care. All of the questions are based on research about what is important to your child’s health, safety, and development.

Find peace of mind knowing that your child is in high-quality care that will keep him or her safe, healthy, and happy by downloading your free copy of Is This the Right Place for My Child? today.

If you are a child care provider, you should look over this booklet to see that your program is providing the quality of care that parents are looking for.

This information and much, much more is at ChildCareAware, an online resource for parents about child care. Whether you are a parent or a provider, you should visit this site and familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available....

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