Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Christmas Poem...

I thought I share a Christmas poem with you. A bit belated and perhaps slightly exaggerated, but I'm sure you can relate...

T'was the last day of child care and all through the house
The children were crazy and flying about
The broken tree ornaments were swept up with care
In hopes that the parents soon would be there.

The children were nestled all restless on the floor   
When will the first parent come knock on my door?
And I with my dishtowel stretched in my hand
Just about to deliver a sharp reprimand.

When from the back of the room there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my knees to see what was the matter.
Away to the back I flew like a flash
Ran into the table and my shin I did smash.

Then what from my watering eyes did I see
But a head peeking out from the tipped Christmas tree
His squeals and howls, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that he was not St. Nick.

More rapid than eagles his playmates they came
I whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now Cassie, now Ethan, now Logan, now Mary
Go back to your seats, Roberta and Terry.

So up to the front the playmates they flew
Looking for something else novel to do.
With all the excitement, I peeked out the door
And gazed down the street. I can't take any more!

But as I drew in my head and was turning around
Up the driveway St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in furs, from his toes to his ears
In a Santa Claus suit he'd purchased from Sears.

The children so joyfully leapt on his back
Pulled off his fake beard and scattered his pack.
His eyes, tired and bloodshot... his padding like blubber
His cheeks were all painted and his nose made of rubber.

He had a thin face and was shaped like a willow
His little round belly was stuffed with a pillow.
He was skinny and tired, this seasonal elf
And I laughed when I say him... all by myself.

The stare of his eye and the droop of his head
Made me realize he was practically dead.
But biting his lip, he smirked, then he smiled
And gave a sweet nod... then tripped on a child.

But he sprang to his feet and the group gave a whistle
And away they all flew like the down on a thistle
But I heard the kids shout as they ran down the hall,
"Why is our provider climbing the wall?"

Well... maybe it wasn't that bad before Christmas. But all the excitment of the season sure does tend to get the children out of their routines.

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