Monday, January 29, 2007

Here Come The Wumblers....

A new show beginning in Sept 2007... The Wumblers. I may need to check this one out... it sounds like fun!

"Inspirational" Children's Television created by Moms, with Moms, and for Moms!
Click for Animated 1st Episode

The Wumblers are a sweet-natured, whimsical collection of characters who live in a world enough like our own to make sense but different enough to be enthralling. The Wumblers are multi-colored, bulbous-shaped characters whose food falls from the sky, whose babies come from watermelons, and whose stories blend inspiration, imagination, and fun. Spiritually and globally conscious, The Wumblers devotes each and every episode to making the world a better place for ALL.

The particular timeliness and necessity for responsible adults to teach their children values that ensure a more peaceful and promising future for everyone is, unfortunately, obvious. The Wumblers helps to promote these values in an engaging and entertaining manner through a combination of brilliant storylines, original characters, and lighthearted play.

The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) will broadcast the innovative animated preschool series The Wumblers on both TBN and Smile of A Child Network beginning in the fall of 2007. TBN is the world's largest Inspirational network and America's most watched faith channel, offering 24 hours of commercial-free programming. Smile of a Child Television Network is the branch of TBN that offers quality Christian children's programming 24 hours a day.

For more information, check out the Wumbler's website.

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