Friday, January 05, 2007

The importance of early childhood education...

Here is an article about early childhood education in the Montgomery County, IN paper.

Importance of early childhood education

The research on the importance of early childhood education is becoming more and more convincing with each research study conducted around the world. It is now a safe assumption to make that the earlier we can expose children to language, the better their long term academic achievement will be. That is not to say that pre-kindergarten programs must become so highly structured with academic learning that we forget that young kids need to play, socialize, and learn the many natural facets of growing up. Rather, the more we learn about children and their brain development, the more we know that there are critical windows of opportunity for children to learn language that unlocks learning puzzles in a child's future.

Learning and knowledge tend to be exponential in nature and not arithmetic…meaning, with each new piece of knowledge exposure comes an exponential explosion of further learning. Everything learned early in life is used for mastering new challenges later in life. As redundant and nonsensical as this next statement may appear on the surface, these five words hold resoundingly truths…"We must know to know." We cannot build on knowledge and learning in which we have not been exposed. Yogi Berra once was credited with saying, "You don't know what you don't know." There is profound truth in that statement that applies to early childhood education. Children must be exposed to quality learning environments at a very early age if they are to develop cognitively to their potential.

Read the rest of the article... Dr. Brower has some interesting data to back up his conclusions about how quality early childhood education can help children for the rest of theri lives.

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