Thursday, January 04, 2007

Quantity does not mean quality...

Here is dedication to increasing the amount of child care facilities in Kathmandu, Nepal. I hope that the same is true of improving the quality...

Plan to set up 74,000 child centres by 2015
KATHMANDU, Dec. 26: There are a total of 13,023 pre-primary centres in operation in the country, according to the Ministry of Education and Sports.

The Ministry plans to add more than 3,000 centres during the current fiscal year. The government has a target to set up 74,000 child development centres by 2015 under the Education for All programme.

Meanwhile, speakers at a press conference organised by Youth and Child Development Organisation (YEDO) on Tuesday said the performance of such centres was far from satisfactory. Their claim was based on a study conducted by the Organisation in Panchthar, Taplejung, Saptari and Siraha.

President of the YCDO Nirbikar Shrestha said the reasons behind the poor performance were nepotism in teaching appointments, low salary (Rs. 1000) to the teachers, no admission to Dalits children, and promotion of the students without completing the courses of lower class.

Lava Prasad Tripathi, spokesperson at the Ministry of Education and Sports, said that the classes would be productive if they could run in coordination with the community. Education expert Dr. Tirtha Khaniya said that the pre-primary classes were vital for the physical and mental development of the children.

Like Bob Seger sang...
I think I'm going to Katmandu,
That's really where I think I'm going to.
Hey, if i ever get out of here,
That's what I'm gonna do....

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