Friday, April 20, 2007

School Readiness Status at the Minnesota State Capitol...

BasBased on actions taken thus far by Governor Pawlenty, the Minnesota House and Minnesota Senate, here is the status of key school readiness issues of importance to the business community.


2007 represent progress on early learning of Minnesota’s Pre K children
HOUSE …$73M in additional two year funding over the current $419M biennial budget; includes income tax increase
SENATE…$80M in additional two year funding over the current $419M biennial budget; includes income tax increase
GOVERNOR…$50M in additional two year funding over the current $419M biennial budget; does not include tax increase

Establishment of a goal of 80% school readiness of five year olds by 2012
HOUSE…Is not included
SENATE… Is not included
GOVERNOR… Is not included

Expansion of the assessment at kindergarten entry to 30% of the five year olds by 2009
HOUSE…Includes expansion to 30%
SENATE…Maintains at 10%
GOVERNOR… Maintains at 10%

Support of a quality rating system (QRS) for providers and parents
HOUSE…Greater Minnesota pilots on QRS to compliment MELF work underway
SENATE…Provisional proposals for “quality approved” programs only
GOVERNOR…Scholarships for “quality approved” programs only

Target cost effective efforts first toward “at risk” children from prenatal to age 5
HOUSE…Targets “at risk” chidlren with scholarships
SENATE…Children’s allowance reaches beyond “at risk”
GOVERNOR… Targets “at risk” chidlren with scholarships

That the above issues are priorities over the adoption of all day, every day kindergarten
HOUSE…All day, every day kindergarten is included
SENATE… All day, every day kindergarten is studied
GOVERNOR… All day, every day kindergarten is not included


The above issues must be reconciled in a Senate-House conference committee yet to be named. The 2007 session of the Minnesota Legislature is expected to adjourn on May 21; the possibility of an impass does exist which will require a special session to complete adoption of the budget.

Thank you to those who have contacted their various representatives in state government on these matters.

We encourage you to maintain contact with HOUSE 1-800-657-3550/ 651-296-8903, SENATE 1-888-234-1112/651-296-2344 and GOVERNOR-1-800-657-3717/651-296-3391.

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