Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Another reminder that on the Friday before Mother’s Day, thousands of Americans will mark the 12th annual Provider Appreciation Day, celebrating the hard work and dedication of child care providers.

There are an estimated 2.3 million child care providers working in child care centers, family child care homes, and other care settings in the United States. These individuals are responsible for the health, safety, and well-being of nearly 12 million children under age 5 who are in child care every week. Yet their efforts—in one of the most underpaid professions in the country—often go unrecognized.

“By applauding the dedication of child care providers on May 11, we remind our communities of the importance of high-quality child care, and let providers everywhere know that we recognize and value their important work,” says Linda K. Smith, Executive Director of the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), the lead sponsor of Provider Appreciation Day. “It is important that the care a child receives during the first five years of life be of high-quality because 90 percent of brain development occurs during those years.”

NACCRRA, in partnership with the National Association for Family Child Care, is encouraging state and local governments, Child Care Resource & Referral agencies, parents, and others to honor their child care providers on May 11 by hosting luncheons, parades, dedication ceremonies, and other forms of recognition.

In recent years, local governments across the United States have joined many Governors in proclaiming this day of recognition. Around the globe, Department of Defense installations celebrate Provider Appreciation Day by recognizing those who care for the children of military parents living both at home and abroad. This year’s celebrations promise to carry on and strengthen Provider Appreciation Day. If you would like to share celebrations planned for this year or successful events held in prior years, please send an email describing the event to
info@appreciationday.org and it will be posted on the Provider Appreciation Day website.

Parents... Here are four simple tips to make your provider feel appreciated...

1. Always make your provider feel loved and appreciated for their commitment to childcare. Not everyday can be as easy one- and that applies to every profession. But if you keep responding with positive, nurturing comments you are sure to have success. Also make sure that that they are treated fairly, respected, and rewarded for all their hard work.

2. Try to occasionally be available and visible to your provider. Everyone needs human interaction and they don't want to feel isolated and singled out. Also keep in mind that situations will arise and you or they may want to discuss possible solutions or options. Always be cheerful and look on the bright side of everyone. Negativity never helps any situation.

3. Allow for training and additional opportunities for education. Give your provider opportunities to grow, network with other teachers and providers, and get new ideas for their childcare room. Not only is continuing education required for their profession, networking with other providers is a great way for them to get new ideas and learn from each other.

4. Reward you provider for their love of your children. Give additional time off, vacations, gifts on holidays, thank you cards, gift cards, any thing you can think of which tells them, "You are special to me". A $1.99 thank you card can really go a long way and can continue keeping your star teacher motivated and appreciated for all that they do.

To learn more about Provider Appreciation Day and how you can get involved, visit
www.providerappreciation.org or call (888) 334-7781

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