Friday, August 24, 2007

In Support of Child Care...

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I love and appreciate the time, patience, talents and dedication of childcare employees and childcare business owners. If you haven’t thanked your childcare provider lately, it might be nice to remind them you really appreciate them today.

If you are a parent who is feeling guilty about having your child in daycare while you are working, I would suggest spending a few minutes on your lunch break peeking in on them while they are hanging out with their fellow childcare buddies. Chances are pretty good that your kid is having a blast!

When you these little kids all together in rooms with furniture just their size, playing with more toys than you would ever want in your home at one time, it is something funny to see. While you are at work feeling guilty, you child is dancing and reading and destroying other people’s books! Together they learn to share, walk in a line and sit in a circle and play duck-duck-goose. In daycare, kids learn manners like ”no hitting”, “no biting” and taking turns. Daycare also teaches kids trust, respect and mind other adult authority.

You also get to enjoy the cute arts and crafts that your child brings home from “school” without the mess. Honestly, would you really make those cute little crafts at home? Would you really allow the use of tempra paint in your house? Do you even know where you would buy it in the first place? How about laminated place mats? Do you really see yourself making laminated construction paper place mats? But, that art sure looks cute in your cubicle!

Believe me, daycare is NOT hell on earth for children. It is actually really fun! And, kids learn some really valuable skills that may benefit you in ways you may never think of! Take for instance, learning to take a nap on the floor in semi-loud and semi-bright conditions. That ALWAYS helps when you get stuck in an airport or when you are at a wedding reception that will never end and your tipsy husband refuses to leave because you lost at rock/scissors/paper and got to be the designated driver for the evening! Who knew?!?!?!

Our country’s employers, parents, grandparents and children need and want quality, safe, reliable and affordable childcare. And, not only is okay…it is GREAT!

Quality childcare is in high demand and there are amazing people and wonderful companies that are meeting that demand with flying colors. In addition, there are a good many people working in Washington, DC in an effort to improve the access and availability of affordable, quality childcare nationwide. I hope that childcare becomes an election issue in this long and already tedious presidential election campaign.

Couldn't have said it better myself...

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