Thursday, November 29, 2007

Young Children and Music

If you looking for a great gift idea for young children this Christmas, maybe you could consider the gift of music...

Just walk into a toy department you may notice all of the music-related toys, books, CDs, etc. for young children. You may have heard or read about what listening to music can do for your child and her development. Will your child be smarter if she listens to the classics? The debate is ongoing. But, despite whether or not music makes your child smarter, there are benefits for children who are able to explore musical interests.

Music is a part of life and can be found everywhere. Your child can hear music wherever she goes and young children seem to love music. Children can dance and sing to any song they hear, or make up one of their own about anything in life. Children have no qualms about dancing and enjoying the sounds they hear. They are very uninhibited and may be eager to learn more about music.
From infancy, music, tone, and rhythms are a part of your child’s life. Even the simplest things from soft breaths, a parent’s voice, or the beat of a heart offer rhythmic patterns appealing to children. Music can be soothing or it can pick you up and lighten your mood. But what is that children can learn from music?

Communication skills- singing songs and/or nursery rhymes will help your child grow their language and listening skills. The different sounds and patterns in songs will help your child understand different sound or letter combinations.

Coordination – music allows little ones the freedom to jump, hop, skip, and dance, all of which will help in the development of motor skills. Letting children play instruments will also help with this development.

Early math skills – music teaches your child about counting, sequences – or order, and tempo, which is the speed of the song.

Here are some fun tips on how your family can share the music:
A musical gift is great for children and one that they are sure to enjoy.

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