Monday, March 17, 2008
A new Fire Code rule will go into effect on August 1, 2008 for all existing family child care homes in Minnesota to require an operational carbon monoxide detector be installed within 10 feet of each room used for sleeping purposes. After August 1st, all initial and relicensing inspections will include checks to assure this new requirement is met.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gass that is produced during incomplete combustion of any fuel. It can cause death without warning. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause flu-like symptoms an also dizziness, fatigue, headaches, nausea, and irregular breathing.
A line of defense against carbon monoxide poisoning is to:
- Make sure that all fuel burning appliances operate properly
- Install carbon monoxide dectectors in hallways adjacent to sleeping areas
- Have annual inspections of all heating appliances including chimneys and fles to insure that they are operating properly.
- Have a carbon monoxide detector installed above permantly-installed fuel burning appliances (i.e. gas furnaces, water heaters, etc.)
- If a home has an attached garage and electric heat, a dectector should also be placed in the room adjoining the garage.
Please look into getting carbon monoxide dectectors installed... not just because it is a new requirement, it is also a good idea for your safety and the safety of your family and the children in your care.
P.S. I hope that you are having a good St. Patrick's Day...