Friday, June 13, 2008

June is Potty Training Awareness Month...

Did you know that this is potty training awareness month? Netiher did I, but thought we should talk a bit about it when I found out... The first rule of potty training in child care is that parents and providers should partner together for success.

Potty training a child who attends child care or is under the occasional care of a caregiver other than a parent requires a team effort. Often, it is the very fact that a child is around other kids in underwear in a care setting that serves to motivate a young child to use the potty. Parents and providers should discuss and agree on the planned potty training process. A consistent approach and common encouragement techniques can minimize confusion of a child during this time, and help to set the environment for a successful transition to becoming a big kid!

Here are some things that parents and providers should discuss to help ensure a successful toilet training experience:

So lets spend some time this month to celebrate this major developmental acheivement in a child's life...

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