Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Fun of Caring For Children...

Sometimes kids can say the darndest things... didn't Art Linkletter make a career out of that? Anyway, I get a kick out of some of the things that children do without any thought of trying to be funny. For a bit of humor today, here are 10 of my favorite "kid comments."

1. We were driving by a cemetery and the boy I watch said from the back seat, "How do you get to heaven from underground?"

2. While eating BBQ chicken and steak one evening, the kids I watch asked me which is healthier. I said I thought the chicken was, as long as you don't eat the skin. The little girl added, "...or the feathers!"

3. Walking into Dunkin Donuts, the 7-year-old girl I watch was confused by the sign on the door that reads, "Shoes and Shirts Required." She peeked into the store then turned to me and whispered, "But what about pants?"

4. While racing around in the backyard, the 4-year-old boy I watch screamed, "I am fast...like dangerous cat food!" Not sure what he meant but it sounded like fun!

5. One little girl I watch had to draw a picture of someone she knows doing something they're good at for a homework assignment. I was the lucky pick, but she drew a picture of me with a laundry basket stuffed with clothes! She said proudly, "You're so good at laundry!" Oh well, at least I'm on her radar!

6. When I was out shopping with the kids, a woman complimented me on how much my son looked like me. After she walked away, the little dude I watch winked at me, since I'm his nanny, not his mom. I didn't know he could wink! After that, he kept doing it for days on end. He'd say, "I look like you," and then "wink, wink."

7. After seeing a slew of pregnant moms at the playground, the little girl I watch asked, "How do you sign up to get a baby?"

8. Excited about an upcoming trip to Disney World with his family, the 3-year-old boy I watch was giving all the details, especially about how his parents were taking him to the "air-portant" for his first ride on a plane.

9. While driving the brother and sister duo I watch from activity to activity, the kids struck up a conversation about who was smarter at math. The older brother said he was learning about odd numbers in class. His younger sister snorted and said, "Oh right. You don't know anything. Numbers aren't odd at all!"

10. We were meeting new friends on the playground one day. I have to assume the little guy I watch must have been imitating his dad introducing his mom, when he delivered this beauty! I was telling one of the moms his name and before I could even introduce myself, he said, "and this is my bride." I guess that was code for, "this woman I'm with."

How about you? Do you have any funniest kid comments that you would like to share?

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