Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week...

Next week - May 3rd through 9th, the first full week in May, has been declared National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week to increase the public awareness of well-being and human development of our nation’s children and youth. And May 7th has been declared National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day.

National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day (Awareness Day) is a day to promote positive youth development, resilience, recovery, and the transformation of mental health services delivery for children and youth with serious mental health needs and their families. Awareness Day raises awareness of effective programs for children's mental health needs; demonstrates how children's mental health initiatives promote positive youth development, recovery, and resilience; and shows how children with mental health needs thrive in their communities.

The theme for this year's national event is Thriving in the Community, with a special emphasis on how high school youth who receive the services they need are more likely to have positive outcomes, such as better grades, and less likely to have negative outcomes, such as involvement with the juvenile and criminal justice systems.

The National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health invites everyone to take this week to promote positive mental health, well-being and social development for all children and youth. Join the National Federation in sending out the following messages:

In addition to the above links, there is a wealth of resources on the Mental Health America website.

If you are interesting in learning more about the importance of mental health in young children, I encourage you to take the classes on The Six Keys: Strategies for Promoting Children’s Mental Health in Early Childhood Programs. These are an excellent series of workshops about promoting positive mental health in young children begins in infancy with responsive caregiving by the important people in a baby's life and proceeds through early childhood with consistent and quality nurturing and caregiving.

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