Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How Sanitary is Your Child Care Facility?

Sanitation is an important issue in today’s child care facilities. Parents have a real fear of sending a healthy child to day care and picking him or her up at the end of the day with a cold or worse. Young children are at increased risk for contracting infectious diseases because they:
Child care facilities are much cleaner and healthier today than in years past, thanks to increased scrutiny and regulation. However, despite increased efforts at maintaining proper sanitation, children in child care do have a tendency to pick up and spread a variety of germs.

Surfaces at most child care facilities are riddled with germs, bacteria, and viruses; and proper sanitation is critical in a day care center environment, since so many children congregating in such close proximity can become a breeding ground for germs. Although there are guidelines and regulations, it is sometimes difficult to keep everything spic and span all the time.

One of the easiest ways to ensure proper sanitation is by frequent hand washing with anti-bacterial soap. This is absolutely essential! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that every year, more than 22 million school days are lost due to the common cold; and many of those could have been avoided if children had washed their hands correctly. It is important to teach children aqbout germs and the importance of stress the importance of proper handwashing. In my child care the children are taught that they need to wash threir hands while singing the Alphabet song to ensure that they are washing and rinsing the proper amount of time.

You should be able to discuss your hand washing and infection control policies with parents and discuss other methods that you use to keep toys, utensils and play areas germ free. You should also have standard procedures in place dealing with diaper changing and disposal, food preparation and clean up, bathroom cleaning and sanitizing, and what happens when a child gets ill.

Sanitizing regularly with a solution of bleach and water is the most effective way to get rid of the organisms. But the bleach-water solution must be used properly to rid surfaces of germs.

Parents also have to take some responsibility for cleanliness. Sanitation and health is a collaborative effort, between parents and providers. Parents should do their part to practice the same personal good hygiene at home. Parents should also be responsible and keep their children home when they exhibit signs of illness, especially runny noses, upset stomachs and diarrhea. Mutual collaboration and cooperation between parents and providers can keep contamination and sickness to a minimum. This really is everyone’s goal.

A few more resouces:
Practicing good hygiene, frequent hand washing and adhering to infection control protocol will keep the spread of germs to a minimum, lessening the chance of illness in the children (and for you!)

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