Monday, April 06, 2009

It's Monday...

I hope you had a good weekend. I spent Saturday training a great group of ladies in Farimont, Minnesota . I had fun and even got home before the snow storm started.
I often get asked why I travel around the state and do workshops and trainings for child care providers... Did you know that nearly 12 million of the 18.5 million children under age five in the United States in some type of regular child care or early education setting? It's been proven that children’s experiences in the first five years of life greatly influence brain architecture and chemistry in ways that can have lifelong impacts on learning, behavior, and health. For these 12 million children in child care, the care givers have a huge impact on their development, safety, and education. A quality early education is one of the most important opportunities we can give our children. It will ensure future generations’ success in school and beyond. A solid early learning foundation helps children succeed later in school and gives them a better opportunity to succeed in life. It has been said that those who start earlier, do better, and stay in school longer.
That is why I train... to help improve the standards and quality of care for the children. If you are a child care professional, I encourage you to continue to seek training and knowledge to make our profession better. For yourself and for the children in your care.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox... I should quickly mention that tomorrow (April 7th) is my favorite holiday of the year... No Housework Day. At least, for tomorrow, I have an excuse! And if you're actually looking for ways to celebrate ...

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